Meet our Team

  • The Coyan Family

    Executive Directors

    Clint & Maggie Coyan are the founders of Emmaus Global Missions. The Coyans followed the Lord’s leading to begin EGM and after serving for several years in Cotacachi, Ecuador, they currently reside and run the ministry from Springfield, Missouri. Their children are Maya, Mailey, Armani, and Silah.

  • Javy & Evelyn

    Ministry Coordinators - Ecuador

    Natives of Ecuador, Javy and Evelyn are living in Baños, Ecuador. As team leaders in Ecuador, they play a vital role in the EGM ministry, coordinating logistical details including language translation, pastor training, and mission trips, to name a few.

  • Patricio, Juanita, Caleb, &. Maya

    Missionary Church Planters - Ecuador

    Patricio “Pato” along with his wife Juanita and children Caleb and Maya are church planters working in Tabacundo, Ecuador. They are planting a church called Misión Cristiana Tabacundo.

  • Juan Carlos “JC”

    Missionary - Ecuador

    Juan Carlos “JC” is a missionary serving with EGM in Tabacundo, Ecuador. JC is working with Pastor Patricio in the church plant there and also is one of our great translators for groups. JC enjoys serving the Lord with music and is a gifted musician as well. JC is from the Jungle region of Ecuador.

  • Alexis Molina & Family

    Missionary Church Planters - Honduras

    Pastor Alexis and his wife Jessy, along with their children Emy, David, and Alexandra are church planters in Cane, Honduras. Their family moved across Honduras to start this new Church with some more partners we work with in Honduras from “Iglesia Buenas Nuevas” en La Paz, Honduras.

  • Pastor Moses and Family

    Pastor and Missionary - India

    Pastor Moses and his family serve in the tribal areas of India planting churches, doing evangelistic outreaches, and meeting the needs of the people through various efforts. They live in an area of high persecution, but remain faithful to reaching the people with the hope of Jesus.

  • Pastor Tinku and Family

    Missionary - India

    Tinku and his family serve with Pastor Moses in the tribal areas India. Tinku is fulfilling the call from the Lord to reach the people of India and continuing the work his father and grandfather started. Tinku does this through various activities that help people to know Jesus.